Image Requirements
We require that all artists submit print-ready files online.
Remember, your image form will be sent to you after our payment deadline has passed.
In the meantime, please follow the requirements below to accurately prepare your files for publication.
Please submit the following using your corresponding image form:
• Full-color, high resolution digital files, each labeled with your last name plus an abbreviated title of the piece, (i.e.) jones_morningsunset.tiff
Image Type and Quality:
• All files must be 25MB and under in order to upload
• All files must be 300dpi
• Please keep files at 8-bit, do NOT convert to 16-bit
• Artwork files should be no smaller than 6 inches at its smallest dimension
• Artwork files must be in CMYK format.
• All files must be saved as TIFF or EPS format, uncompressed (jpegs are compressed files and NOT ideal for high quality printing)
*Files should be submitted at or smaller than their native size—do not make an image artificially larger using a photo editing program such as Photoshop, this will result in a loss of quality and cause pixilation. To view the actual quality of your image as it will appear when printed please select “View > Actual Pixels.”
Color Accuracy:
• Files must be color corrected within a CMYK colorspace and, if possible, set to the profile U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2 (color corrected means that you have corrected for any shift in color and/or contrast that occurs when converting from RGB to CMYK).**
TIP: Converting a profile in Photoshop is easy—in your help menu, look up “convert to profile.”
**If you are unable to convert to CMYK, we can do this for you, but we will not be responsible for unanticipated shifts in color due to the conversion.